Management software:

Aritmos Credit Section
/ ERP software for the management of credit sections in cooperatives

The business solution for managing banking with the financial entity of a cooperative

Aritmos offers IT applications for the banking management of cooperative credit sections. The solutions encompass the specific treatment of different types of accounts: savings accounts, current accounts, lines of credit, term deposits, etc.

These solutions can be connected to specialised printers, which increases efficiency at teller windows as all of the necessary documents can be printed directly: checks, receipts, contracts, booklets, etc., preventing any transcription errors.

These software tools are comprehensive, specialised tools for the management of credit sections. They are the result of the wide range of experience we have acquired through a large number of customer installations.

In addition to the software itself, Aritmos solutions for credit sections also include operational implementation of the system, training for new users, and ongoing support by means of an efficient remote maintenance service.


General parameters

  • Configuration: branches, cashiers
  • Printers: banking, general
  • Definable items
  • Value table: % interest, % income tax, commissions, etc.
  • Incident report

Transaction management

  • Transaction type: teller, form, automatic
  • Bank transaction importing (Spanish Banking Council, standard 43)
  • Cancellation of term deposits
  • Printing: booklets, checks, receipts, etc.
  • Daily records: cashiers, transactions
  • Accounting integration

Loan management

  • Calculation mode: simulated, real
  • Types of loan: fixed rate, periodic amortisation, advance interest, amortisation due
  • Loan concession: generation of statement
  • Processes: advance amortisation, interest rate change
  • Invoice collection: issued, unpaid

Account management

  • Types of account: savings accounts, current accounts, term deposits, loans, lines of credit, draft discounting
  • Third-party type: owner, co-owner, representative, etc.

  • Special features: notices, blocks, cards, etc.
  • External account connection
  • Interest rate change

Interest calculation

  • Simulated and real calculation modes
  • Calculation type: by section, average balance
  • Transaction generation
  • Interest and retention certificates
  • Generation of official forms 193/196

Draft management

  • Draft type: bill, check, promissory note, etc.
  • Draft remittance entry
  • Interest remittance
  • Draft discounting

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